Early Career Essentials: Working with Autistic Clients

Hear from Dr Theresa Kidd and Dr Miriam Kirby who are both well known for their work as Clinical Psychologists working with Autistic clients and their families. In addition, Clinical Psychology Registrar, Tara Joyce and Provisional Psychologist, Yeji Jo will share their experiences and knowledge of being early career professionals working in this rewarding and at times complex area of practice.

Can't not Won't - Reframing School Refusal

With school being the biggest trigger for anxiety symptoms for Autistic students, being unable to attend school occurs significantly more often compared to non-autistic peers. We prefer to reframe school refusal as school ‘can’t’ because many of our young people would like to be able to attend school but just cannot.

Support Workers: Supporting Children and Young People with PDA

The Kidd Clinic team is often asked to provide information and training to our clients' support workers. Many support workers are extremely caring and highly interested in supporting their clients appropriately but they feel at a loss as to how to engage their PDA clients and in assisting them to move toward their goals.

Double Rainbow: Supporting Neurodivergent and Gender Diverse Young People

Combining lived and clinical experience, Laura/Remus and Dr Kidd assist you to effectively support young people at the intersection of neurodiversity and gender diversity known as the "Double Rainbow".

Working Therapeutically with PDA Clients

For Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Mental Health Social Workers and other medical and allied health professionals who work with young Autistic people and their families.

A fantastic introduction to understanding the PDA profile with a great neuroaffirming approach - Mental Health Occupational Therapist

This was so helpful in understanding some clients I have been feeling 'stuck' with in terms of providing intervention. I feel more equipped to now help the client and families in understanding their current presentation and also reflecting upon my practice. - Clinical Psychologist

Teachers: Supporting Children and Young People with PDA

For teachers, education assistants, and other school staff.

I feel more equipped to support a young person with PDA now, because of this increased understanding and the strategies provided. - Middle School Teacher

Excellent for teachers and student services staff to understand students with PDA. - Liz, Teacher

Parents: Supporting Children and Adolescents with PDA

For parents and carers of young people with a Pathological Demand Avoidant profile.

The Parents & Carers Supporting Children & Adolescents with PDA was very informative, the presenters had a vast knowledge base and excellent understanding of PDA, This training highlighted the challenges that a person with PDA experiences with the demands of life, and how best we can support them. - Cathy, Parent